Saturday, September 26, 2015



The elegant game of Buttface is as classy as its name implies and as fancy as the drinks required to play. I picked up this game in the early days of my drinking and it is still a group favorite.
Items Required
·         40oz Bottles of Malt Liquor
·         Quarter (multiples preferred)
·         Sunglasses
·         A table
·         Irresponsible friends
Players are spaced evenly around the table
Each player places their 40 in front of them on the table
A player will spin a quarter in the center of the table and call out the name of another player at the table
While the quarter is still spinning, the player who was called out will attempt to smack the quarter at another players bottle.
All Players who are not called out to smack are allowed to defend their bottle with the back of one hand as soon as the player smacking is called out
If the quarter makes contact with a player’s bottle, that player becomes Buttface and must don the sunglasses making defense that much more difficult. Buttface also must drink whenever commanded and may be asked to drink their bottle at “90 degrees” until told to stop.
If Buttface’s bottle is hit by the quarter 7 times in a row they are ‘skunked’, house rules determine the punishment.
Sub Rules
Spinners rotate only when a bottle is hit, whether it’s the same Buttface or a new one
Spinners become Buttface if they fail three attempts to spin in a row
If a quarter hits a players bottle, ricochets off of it and hits another players botte, Buttface is whoever’s bottle was last hit before being stopped


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