Wednesday, December 23, 2015


This spirit’s name means ‘fire water’ which is pretty high on the name scale of awesomeness. Columbia is aguardiente’s native land, though South and Central America are known to produce their own brands. Distilled in a similar process as rum, aguardiente starts as molasses from sugarcane fields, and is brought to distilleries. Anise is then added (which differentiates from rum distillation), and it undergoes its distillation process. The taste is similar to licorice, but with more throat burning. As Columbia’s national drink, it is brewed into their culture and is widely used during celebration. Columbians are known to walk around festivals with shot glasses around their necks ready to receive any aguardiente being poured. With an ABV of around 30%, this spirit is one of the weaker on the liquor shelf, but you can be sure Columbian’s make up for the lower alcohol intensity by drinking a higher volume.

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